On May 12, the children watched the play "Jack About the Beanstalk". Here is are retells of the real original story and of the play as said by Ava.
Jack and his mother were very poor. Jack had to go to the market to sell the cow.
Ava: He met a man. He had a (horse) cow and the guy had beans. They swapped.
Giuliana: He planted magic beans.
Kaitlyn: Jack climbs up the beanstalk and sees the giant. He was in the sky and he had a picnic.
Akki: Jack stole the golden hen.
Ava: The play happens 20 years later. Jack had a son, Jack Junior, and he thought that he could get anything he wanted. Then, the Mom said "You should write a letter to the giant to say I am returning the hen it is never too late to right a wrong." The giant did not want to take back the hen because he had a new job, cutting down trees. Then they told their son Jack Junior "you my son have to return the golden hen." "Why me, why me!" said Jack Junior. "You do not always get your own way." said the mom. "What?" said Jack Junior. "Where are you?" said the mom. "Over here!" said Jack Junior. "Oh there you are!" said the mom. "We need you to return the golden hen." said dad. "Why me, why me?" said Jack Junior. "Because he won`t take it from me." said the dad. "You know Jack Junior you don't always get your own way." said the dad. ''Okay fine!'' said Jack Junior. ''I'll return the golden hen." said Jack Junior. "It's never too late to right a wrong." said Jack Junior. So Jack Junior said ''Student Beanstalk with your pleasure may I climb you." The Student Beanstark said "Yes you may climb me."Okay" said Jack Junior. So Jack Junior climbed up the beanstalk. "Fet tunm oh" said the giant. ''Who are you?'' said the giant. "Well, I am Jack Junior'' said Jack Junior. " I am here to return the golden hen." said Jack Junior. "I don't need a golden hen to lay dumb golden eggs." said the giant. Jack Junior said "It would be nice to have friends." "Ok, that would be nice." said the giant. "Now, who will be my friend?" said the giant. Jack Junior said "Well me and the golden hen." "So lets be friends right now" said the giant." Okay!" said Jack Junior. "But first with the hen" said Jack Junior. "Bye" said the giant and the hen. So Jack Junior began climbing down the Student Beanstalk. Jack Junior said "I am home" "Good job" said the dad and mom. "Did he take the golden hen?" asked the father. "Yes, he took the golden hen" said Jack Junior. "You were right being good and friendly is kind." "And then the whole family" said the book reader (narrator) "It is never too late to right a wrong" the END.