Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Gingerbread Science Experiment

 In the story the Gingerbread Man did not want to get wet.  We did the Gingerbread Science Experiment to find out what happens when a gingerbread gets wet. We took a picture of a gingerbread man to show what it looked like before he got it wet. The chidren drew a picture of what they thought he would look like after he got wet and explained their predictions. See the slideshow to view the children's predictions.

Here is what our gingerbread man looked like after he got wet.

Children`s observations:

- It broke (Alessa).

- It cut in half (Folu).

- All of it breaked (Colin).

- It smells good (Brandon).

Then, we asked the question "Why did the gingerbread man break into pieces?"

Adam said that the water is rougher than the food you make. We agreed that the water creates friction against the cookie and helps to break it down. We then asked if an apple would break down if we put it in water. The children all agreed that it would not. We asked "What protects the apple?" Adam explained that the skin makes apples stronger than the water. We added that the skin also protect us from the water. That because of our skin, we are waterproof. We conclude that the gingerbread had absorbed the water and it is the reason why he broke into pieces. Sean commented that the gingerbread man broke because he did not have skin.This directed  us to ask the question what could the Old Lady from the story have put on the gingerbread man to help protect him from the water. Here are some suggestions: buttons, coat, chocolate, candies. After the New Year, we will test the impermeability of those objects to see if they could have been good choices and to see if we can find other objects that are waterproof.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gingerbread Man

After reading the story ``The Gingerbread Man,`` the children got to help the Gingerbread Man return home. They had to build a road using tubes, place the gingerbread in the tubes and send him home (bucket) using water.

Here are the books that we read about the Gingerbread Man.
Problem: ``Peux-tu aider le Petit bonhomme en pain d'épice à retourner à sa maison.``

 We made a mini gingerbread man out of plasticine but it kept getting stuck so one of the children suggested that we roll it into a ball. Look at the video to see Hannah helping her Gingerbread Man get home.

Following the reading of our fairytales The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and the Gingerbread Man, we discussed what action to take when feeling unsafe or uncomfortable, and when and how to seek assistance in unsafe situations. You can help your child by talking with him or her about safety at school, at home and in the community. You can also help them learn your phone number and when to dial 911 in case of an emergency.

To see other activities that we have done this week go under the tab Our Classroom Activities.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Three Little Javelinas

We read thes story The Three Little Javelinas. Then we comparared this story from the original version The three Little Pigs.

Title: The Three Little Pigs
Character: Wolf
Setting: Forest
The first house is made of straw.
Title: The Three Little Javelinas
Character: Coyote
Setting: Desert
The first house is made of tumbleweeds.
Characters: 3 pigs
Problem: The wolf/ coyote wants to eat the three little pigs
Ending: The wolf/ coyote got his tail on fire.
Sayings: “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” “Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!” “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”
The houses being blown.
The second house is made of sticks and the third is made of bricks.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Les trois petits cochons

 After reading the story «Les trois petits cochons» the children got to make the pigs` houses using different materials.  Then, they made the characters of the story. We displayed their work on our bulletin board. The children answered questions about the story and we had a discussion about what we could add to the bulletin to create the setting and time «Where» and «When». The children decided to make suns, clouds and trees to better show the setting and time.

Here are the questions and the children's answers in English:

1.      What is the title of the story?

The Three Little Pigs
       2.      Who are the characters?

 The three little pigs and the big bad wolf

      3.      Where is the story happening?

 In the forest

      4.      When is the story happening?

 In the morning

      5.      What is the problem in the story?

 The wolf wants to eat the pigs.

       6.      How is the problem solved?

 They are going to put a fire on the wolf`s tail.

Here is a summary of the story:

 First, the three little pigs left their mom’s house.

Then, they built a house of straw, sticks and bricks.

After, the bad wolf came to get the pigs by blowing their houses down.

Finally, he could not blow the brick house. He went down the fireplace. He got his tail on fire. He ran away.

Here are the questions and the children's answers in French:

1.      Quel est le titre de l’histoire?

 Les trois petits cochons

2.      Qui sont les personnages de l’histoire?

Les cochons, le loup

3.      Où se passe l’histoire?


4.      Quand se passe l’histoire?

 Il fait soleil, in the morning (le matin)

     5.      Quel est le problème dans l’histoire?

 Le loup (veut) mange(r) les 3 petits cochons.

     6.      Comment le problème est résolu?

 Le loup got in fire.
See more activities under the tab Our Classroom Activities.
Do not forget to read our new inquiry about Wild Kratts and the children`s answers to our Rescue Heroes inquiry under the tab Our Inquiries.