Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jack About The Beanstalk

On May 12, the children watched  the play "Jack About the Beanstalk". Here is are retells of the real original story and of the play as said by Ava.

Jack and his mother were very poor. Jack had to go to the market to sell the cow.

Ava: He met a man. He had a  (horse) cow and the guy had beans. They swapped.

Giuliana: He planted magic beans.

Kaitlyn: Jack climbs up the beanstalk and sees the giant. He was in the sky and he had a picnic.

Akki: Jack stole the golden hen.

Ava:  The play happens 20 years later. Jack had a son, Jack Junior, and he thought that he could get anything he wanted. Then, the Mom said "You should write a letter to the giant to say I am returning the hen it is never too late to right a wrong."  The giant did not want to take back the hen because he had a new job, cutting down trees. Then they told their son Jack Junior "you my son have to return the golden hen." "Why me, why me!" said Jack Junior. "You do not always get your own way." said the mom. "What?" said Jack Junior. "Where are you?" said the mom. "Over here!" said Jack Junior. "Oh there you are!" said the mom. "We need you to return the golden hen." said dad. "Why me, why me?" said Jack Junior. "Because he won`t take it from me." said the dad. "You know Jack Junior you don't always get your own way." said the dad. ''Okay fine!'' said Jack Junior. ''I'll return the golden hen." said Jack Junior. "It's never too late to right a wrong." said Jack Junior. So Jack Junior said ''Student Beanstalk with your pleasure may I climb you." The Student Beanstark said "Yes you may climb me."Okay" said Jack Junior. So Jack Junior climbed up the beanstalk. "Fet tunm oh" said the giant. ''Who are you?'' said the giant. "Well, I am Jack Junior'' said Jack Junior. " I am here to return the golden hen." said Jack Junior. "I don't need a golden hen to lay dumb golden eggs." said the giant. Jack Junior said "It would be nice to have friends." "Ok, that would be nice." said the giant. "Now, who will be my friend?" said the giant. Jack Junior said "Well me and the golden hen." "So lets be friends right now" said the giant." Okay!" said Jack Junior. "But first with the hen" said Jack Junior. "Bye" said the giant and the hen. So Jack Junior began climbing down the Student Beanstalk. Jack Junior said "I am home" "Good job" said the dad and mom. "Did he take the golden hen?" asked the father. "Yes, he took the golden hen" said Jack Junior. "You were right being good and friendly is kind."  "And then the whole family" said the book reader (narrator) "It is never too late to right a wrong" the END.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bug Inquiry

On Monday we had the visit from a centipede. It crawled into our class, so we had it stay with us for the morning.

Some of the children used a magnifying glass to observe the centipede.  Here are some things they wanted to learn about it.

Mme Maklin: Is it an insect?

Colin: No because it has too many legs. An insect has 6 legs.

Evallie, Antonio, Akki: How big/ long can it get?

A centipede can measure between a few millimeters to 30 centimeters.

Juliet, Kaitlyn: How many legs can it have?

It can have between 20 to 300 legs; one pair (2 legs) per body segment.

Nahisha, Fouad: Why is it so fast?

Giuliana: Because it has lots of legs moving at the same time.

Kaitlyn: Does it have eyes?

A centipede has compound eyes. Some species do not have eyes.

Steven: Is a cheetah slower?

Ava: No, because it has 4 legs it is the fastest animal.

Giuliana:  It can run 100 km/hr.

Ayvah: Does it bite?

It bites its preys to paralyze them with venom.

Faith-Lynn: Why does it have a light coloured tummy?

Centipedes are a combination shades of brown and red.

Jane: Do they climb?

Jane: Yes

When we released our centipede, it climbed onto the wall of the port-a-pack and disappeared through a crack.

Folu: What does it eat?

What centipedes eat is not well known. Laboratory feeding trials support soft-bodied such as earth worms. They have been observed eating reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, bats and birds.

Savera: Will it have babies? Where will the babies sleep?

The female centipede lays between 10 to 50 eggs. She puts her eggs in a hole, she fills the hole with soil and leaves them.

Preston: What is its habitat?

It lives in the soil and leaf litter (dead plant material).

Mme Maklin: How far can it travel in 30 seconds?

We went outside to release our centipede and measured the distance it would travel in 30 seconds using 100 cm rulers. Our centipede travelled 140 cm however, it stopped when it reached a shadow. We tried to catch it to try again, but it climbed onto the wall of the port-a-pack and disappeared through a crack.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Scientists in School

On Friday, the children participated in the "Backyard Bugs" workshop offered by Scientists in School.  Here are the children explaining what they have learned about bugs.

What is that insect called?

Luke: A dragonfly

What did you learn about this insect?

Preston:  The body parts of an insect: head, thorax, abdomen, six legs, wings, antennas, compound eyes, mouth parts. (You can ask your child to sing a song about the body parts of an insect to the tune "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes".)

What did you learn with Scientist Sonia (Mrs. Gaulton)?

Ava: The life cycle of the butterfly.

Antonio: The egg, the caterpillar, the cocoon (pupa), the butterfly.

Giuliana: When a butterfly comes out it's a chrysalis.

Miss. Natalie: A moth comes out of a cocoon but a butterfly comes out of a chrysalis.

Brandon, what are you doing in this picture?

Brandon: The life cycle of the ladybug.

What did you learn with Scientist Olivia (Mrs. Natoli)?

Noah: We took play dough balls and added sticks, eyes and wings.

What insect did you make?

Noah: a dragonfly.

Colin: we looked through microscopes to see the different body parts from pictures of insects.

Rose: The bee is drinking nectar.

Mme Maklin:  I learned that bees have sticky legs so when they drink nectar the pollen (yellow part of the flower) sticks to its legs. The bees then carry the pollen to other flowers allowing the pollination of flowers.

What did you learn with Scientist Greg (Mr. Sweet)?

Kaitlyn: We looked at insects to see if they had more or less than 6 legs. If they had more or less they were not an insect.

Faith-Lynn: I had to colour the paper and colour the spy glass. I needed to stamp the paper.

What did you learn with Scientist Petra (Scientists in School presenter)?

Giuliana: We pretended to be a praying mantis eating insects.

Is the praying mantis a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?

Giuliana: A carnivore

Jane: We had to put the sponge into the water and on the cookie.

What insect were you pretending to be?

Ava: A house fly. A house fly spits on the food and slurps it up through their straw.

Roberto: We pretended to be mosquitoes drinking blood.

Mme Maklin: Mosquitoes need the protein that is in human blood.

Juliet: We were pretending to be butterflies.

Mrs. Cole:  Butterflies have a proboscis (coiled straw).

Ivy: We were drinking nectar.

What did you learn with Mrs. Cole and Mme Maklin?

Clara: We camouflaged insects.