Friday, November 22, 2013

Visit from Nathalie Pageau

Tuesday, we had a visit from our health nurse Nathalie Pageau. The children learned that sugar causes cavities and that good mouth care is important. She also talked about the importance of good eating habits to avoid cavities.


They learned that we should brush our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and floss once a day. Brushing should be done in a circular motion. We should limit the amount of tooth paste to the size of the tip of our little finger. Sugar is one of the main contributing factors to causing cavities. It reacts with bacteries to create an acid that eats at our teeth. Moreover, healthy eating is important to keep our boby and teeth strong.

We also did an experiement where eggs were used to represent our teeth. We started by observing the eggs. We noted that they are white and hard. We explained that the egg shell represented the enamel of our teeth and that it protects what is inside. Then we soaked 2 boiled eggs in pepsi, 2 boiled eggs in tea and 1 raw egg in vinegar (acid) for a day. We noticed that the eggs soaked in pepsi and tea turned brown and the egg in the vinegar got bigger and lost its proctective shell. We concluded that acid eats at the enamel on our teeth and that brushing our teeth after drinking pepsi and tea can remove most stains on our teeth.

This week, the children are having fun pretending to be dentists and dental hygienists in our dentist office.

Our rainbow teeth

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