Est-ce que le savon flotte? |
The children were encouraged to use tally marks to record their answers. |
The children observed some table salt using a magnifying glass and made the following observations after being asked what it looks like or what does it make you think when you look at the salt:
Kaitlyn: Snow
Giuliana G.: Grass
Joanna-Lee: Circles
Folu: A circle.
Christina: I can see a triangle.
Ben: I can see circles.
Alessa: A big circle.
Fouad: circle
Ella: Sugar (Why?) because it is white like sugar.
Hannah: It makes me think of sugar.
Nahisha: Shape like circles.
Colin: Sugar because it is white.
Sean: It looks like yellow crumbs.
Devin: Looks the same. Salt does not make you slip.
Alessio: A diamond.
Mahmoud: A circle.
Giuliana M.: Looks a little bit powder.
Tianna: Looks like a big circle.
Brandon: It has circles.
Jackson: circles
Preston: A circl.e
James: Looks like circle.
Here is the salt after the water evaporated. |
Then we added some hot water. The children observed that the salt "melted," that "it looks like water" and "it looks like a cloud". We told the children that we would let the water evaporate and that we would continue to observe. After all the evaporation of water, some children made the following observations:
Alessa: The water is all dried up. It's dried up because it's salty.
Arman: So salty and dried up.
Christina: It looks like all the way down to the bottom. It's dry. I think you have to put more water. Is it going to stick a lot of times?
Ella: It looks like frozen salt.
Devin: It looks really dry, no water, just salt on the sides. Something looks weird. It looks like dry water, dry salt.
Ben: It looks like a cricle. The water came out except the salt. It looks like a semi-circle.
James: It is really tiny. I think there's no more (water).
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