Monday, February 10, 2014


Here is our dramatic set for the play "Le petit Chaperon rouge."
For the last three weeks, the children have been practising lines for the dramatic play "Le petit Chaperon rouge." 

- Oh! Grand-maman tu as de grands yeux!
- C'est pour mieux te voir mon enfant.
- Oh! Grand-maman tu as de grandes oreilles!
- C'est pour mieux t'entendre mon enfant.
- Oh! Grand-maman tu as de grandes dents!
- C'est pour mieux te manger mon enfant.
- Au secours!

We worked on changing our voice to better portray the characters of the story. Last week the children got to perform the dramatic play of "Le petit Chaperon rouge."  We prepared the set using a box for the front of the house. We added furniture and the children made a tv and a fireplace for the inside of grandma's house. The actors wore costumes and used props to play their character. We explained to the children that sometimes actors will forget their lines and line prompters are used to whisper the lines to the actors.  We told them that Mrs. Cole and I would play that role.  As you might notice on the videos (see your child's ePorfolio), we had help from many of our friends :)  A few children did not want to perform in the play so we told them they could work behind the scene as set managers. We also had the children suggest another ending to the story as we thought the one from the book was too violent.  Suggestions were to say to the wolf to stop: "ArrĂȘte, Monsieur le Loup!" or to scare him by saying: "Bou!" Another one was to call the police: "9-1-1! Police, il y a un loup dans la maison!"

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