Last Thursday afternoon Jackson approached Mrs. Cole and asked to make a paper airplane. They looked together on the IPad and found a simple model. Soon we had a group of boys (Colin, Sean, Alessio, Anthony, James, Jackson, Preston, Brandon, Antonio and Fouad) making paper airplanes. We told them that all airplanes had a name and a number. They wrote phonetically the name of their airplane and added a number. As we`ve been learning about measurements, we decided to measure how far their airplanes would fly. We told the boys that they would have 3 tries after which we would conclude whose airplane could fly farthest. At circle time, we talked about what we could use to measure the distance that the airplanes would fly. We`ve been using Fruitloop cereal, paper clips and glass beads in our measurement centre but we decided that it would be too small to measure long distance. Sean suggested a measuring tape but the one we have in the classroom is not long enough. Ava suggested that we use paper, Colin people and I said we would use chairs for a third try. We went in the cubby area as there is more space. We taped sheets of paper on the floor and Ava wrote the numbers with Alessa`s help. Anthony wanted to make a sign saying ``Start`` and Alessio wrote the sign and we all help him sound it our phonetically. I made a ``tableau`` to compile the results. At the end of the activity we concluded that Jackson`s airplane called Mrs.Cole was the plane that could fly the farthest.
Our results |
We measured the distances with sheets of paper. |
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