Monday, September 22, 2014


At the end of the summer, I started to see little creatures called slugs in my grass. I decided to bring a few to school and see if we could have fun with slugs. 
One of our friends.

First, we had the children guessing what our new visitors were called. 

Our guesses:
-A worm (Rachel, Evallie, Colin, and Antonio)
- A snail (Folu, Joanna-Lee, Nahisha and Anthony)
-A slug (Kaitlyn, Ava, and Giuliana)

Then, the children helped us to create an habitat for our slugs. 

Material needed to make an habitat for slugs:
- soil,
- flowers, plants and grass for food.
- water,
- air.

We made holes in the lid of the container to provide enough air for the slugs and we sprayed the slugs once a day to keep their habitat moist.

Looking at slugs.

Some children explored the slugs with their senses and we shared their discoveries with the class.

With the help of prompting questions, here are their discoveries:

la vue (sight):

- Slugs are pink (Giuliana), they look like wood (Colin), gray (Evallie)
- Slugs slide their body (Rachel)

le toucher (touch):

- Slugs are slimy (Mahmoud), sticky (Kaitlyn), cold (Mahmoud), small (Evallie), they are bigger than ants (Kaitlyn)

l'odorat (smell):

- Slugs smell nothing (Rachel, evallie, Mahmoud, Kaitlyn)

l'ouïe (hearing):

- Slugs do not make any noise when they move (Rachel, evallie, Mahmoud, Kaitlyn).

To experience more with our senses, we made "slime" with the children so they could experience their sense of "touch" what "slimy" feels like.


We learned that slugs can live in water. They are called sea slugs. Slugs can be very colorful.

Click on the link to view some sea slugs: Sea Slugs

Moreover, we learned that slugs can be as big as bananas. Here is a video on Banana Slugs

We read books about slugs and learned that slugs have one head, 2 eyes on their tentacles, one mouth, one foot and a skirt.  Here is a picture drew by Giuliana. She identified the body part of the slug in English and Kaitlyn identified its body part in French.

The senior students made rhymes with slugs and read a book from the "UG" family.


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