Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Crystal Garden

In class, the children had the opportunity to observe the formation of a Crystal Garden that we made using a kit of special rocks. The instructions on the package said to cover the rocks with vinegar and after two weeks, crystals should form over the rocks. Here are our observations about our Crystal Garden:

November 5th, 2014

Looks like rocks.

November 10th, 2014

- Some of it is gone. The vinegar has evaporated.
- The liquid got darker.
- There are crystals in green, blue and yellow containers.

November 12th, 2014

- Green water (vinegar) already gone. It's dirty.
- Yellow turned into orange.
- Purple- Water is still there.
- It's like a spider web (blue).
- It's all crumbly.

Two weeks later, the children were invited to observe the crystals with their sense.


Je vois (sight)...

- Triangle (Evallie)
- Diamond (Brandon)
- Octagon (Savera)
- Looks like a bird (Folu)
- Square (Rose)
- Crystal (Ivy)
- Pink, blue (Isidore)

Je touche (touch)...

- Hard (Brandon)
- Squishy (Evallie)
- Salty (Folu)
- Rocks (Savera)
- Hard (Rose)
- Rocks (Ivy)
- Spikes (Isidore)

Je sens (smell)...

- Smells like colours (Evallie)
- Yucky (Rose)
- Poop (Savera)
- Smells bad (Ivy)
- Ketchup (Mahmoud)
- Dirt (Isidore)

Je goƻte (taste)... (We explained to the children that we would not taste the experiment as we do not know if it is safe.)

J"entends (hearing)...

- Crabs (Isidore)
- Nothing (Ivy)
- Sand (Evallie)
- Wind (Rose)
- Toys (Savera)

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