Jeux- Lecture

This page has been created to improve your child's reading skills in French.  

1. Chansons de l'alphabet

ABC by Suzanne Pinel click here ABC

L'alphabet en français by Alain LeLait click here L'alphabet en Français

L'alphabet français by Sylvia Duckworth click here L`alphabet français

2. Bingo des lettres

This game will help your children learn the letters of the alphabet, their phonetic sounds, and how to differentiate between upper and lower case letters.

Click here to play Bingo Les Lettres

3. Pas à Pas

This game helps the children identify the letters of the French alphabet.

Click here to play the game Pas à pas

4. Du plaisir à lire

In the section "Jeux et activités", children can play games and do activities to help read in French.

Click here to play Plaisir à lire

5. Phonemus

Become familiar with the French phonetic sounds.

Click here to play Phonemus

6. Planète des alphas

Here are a few games to help children develop their phonetic awareness.

Click here to play Lecture (sons)

Click here to play Les alphas

Learn to discriminate certain sounds by playing Confusion des sons

7. Maxetom lecture

Our most advanced students might enjoy more challenging activities.

Click here to play some reading games Maxetom Lecture

8. Jeu des rimes

Here is a game where the children get to make rhymes.

Click here to play Le jeu des rimes

9. Mini TFO

Play games and listen to videos on Mini TFO to extend your knowledge of  the French language.

 Click here to explore Le grenier de Bisou

Click here to explore others games and watch videos on Mini TFO
If you go under the tab "Jeux/ Apps" make sure to click the appropriate age group "2 à 6 ans".

10. La souris

To play more games in French you can explore the following link: La souris

11. Lire avec Bidule

Lire avec Bidule offers a selection of French books to read on Apple devices such as iPhone and iPAd.  There is a cost to these books.  Here is the link Lire avec Bidule.

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