Wednesday, October 16, 2013


 Apple Crisp

On Tuesday, the class made apple crisp. First, we started by reading the book "How do Apples Grow." Then, we made some observations on apples. The children looked at two apples and observed that apples can be red, yellow or green and that some apples are big and others are small. 
Then, the children started to share with the class how apples were part of their Thanksgiving. Adam mentioned that he had apple pie with ice cream. Kaitlyn ate apple cake. Colin also ate apple pie and apple donuts. Tammy ate a whole apple. Christina enjoyed eating apple crisp. Tianna, Ava, Giuliana G.  and Giuliana ate apple pie for dessert. Finally, Mahmoud drank apple juice. Before cutting their apples, the children touched them and told us how it felt in their hands. Here were their observations:

Ben - soft
Sean - hard and round
Adam - soft and round, tastes like peaches dried up
Christina- strong
Aiden - like apple
Preston - hard
Anthony - hard
Mahmoud - hard
Brandon - rough
Recette de la croustade aux pommes
Jackson - hard
Antonio - feels cold
Alessa - soft
Tammy - rough
Giluliana G. - rough
Alessio - hard

Nahisha - hard
Hannah - smooth
Colin - cold
Arman - soft


At story time, we read the book ''Max and Mo Let`s Go Apple Picking!'' We decided to make ''apple prints'' following the instruction in the book.



How to make apple prints.

Look under the tab Our Classroom activities to see more on what we did on that day.

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