Thursday, October 3, 2013

Retelling the Story Mouse Count

After reading the story Mouse Count, the children were encouraged to practise retelling the story using the Light Table. Here are three retells of the story by Adam, Antonio and Kaitlyn.

Making Predictions

By looking at the cover page of the book "La pomme rouge", Aiden was able to predict that the story was going to be about an apple. Colin answered the "when"and "where" by saying that the story was happening outside during the day because it was light. Kaitlyn added that there was grass. The children identified the characters as a girl, rabbit, squirrel and bear. The story started with the girl going up the hill and dropping her apple, which started to roll down the hill. She asked the rabbit to stop the apple and then the squirrel but they all started rolling down the hill themselves. We took a pause to predict what was going to happen after and how the story was going to end. Here are some answers given by the children.

Giuliana M. - "The bear is going to take the apple to a far away place."
Sean - "The bear is going to eat the apple."
Aiden - "Their friends are going to put down the apple."
Brandon - "The apple is going to hit the bear."
Tammy - "The apple is going to go down."
Devin - "All of them are going to share the apple."
Colin - "The apple will roll and turn into ice cream cone and they cut it in half and share the ice cream cone."

The story ended with Brandon and Devin's being correct about their predictions.

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