Monday, June 23, 2014

Making Connections

This week, we had the children making connections to their Duplo constructions. First, they had to write phonetically the name of their construction.  Then we asked questions to help them make connections.

Ben did a dragon.  When asked where he had seen a dragon he answered "in a book".  Then, I asked him what he knew about dragons. He said: "They throw fire through their mouth. They fly. They have tails."

Ben wrote phonetically "Dragon"

Brandon did a "flying guy".  We talked about where he could have seen a "flying guy".  Then I mentioned that Super Heroes can fly and asked if he could name me one.  He answered "Superman".

Brandon wrote phonetically "Fling gi" - Flying Guy

Ivy made a flying car.

Anthony made a flying airplane. He said: "I saw an airplane".

Mahmoud did a car. He said: "I saw one at home. My dad has 3 cars."

We took pictures of some of the children`s constructions with Duplo blocks.  Here are their connections;

Ben wrote that it was a dinosaur. He can name dinosaurs: T-Rex, swimming dinosaur and triceratops. He can describe the T-Rex: Big teeth

Brandon - A flying car. It is called Angry Bird.

Colin and Ben-  Lazy Bee. It looks like a bee and it is lazy (Colin).  It reminds me of a bee. I saw a bee in the front yard (Ben)

Sean - Dinosaur. I saw a movie. A T-Rex has big teeth, a triceratops has horns. I saw a swimming dinosaur.

Preston - Moustache. I drew one and Fouad wrote it.

Ben - Shooting car. I saw one in a video to fight bad guys.

Jackson - Dinosaur - A T-Rex. It is strong.

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